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報名我們的登山技能課程, 轉變您對登山的傳統印象 登山不再危險, 透過實際參與學習一起探索登山的樂趣

​課程中, 您將會學習基礎登山技能, 例如地圖定位, 風險評估等知識與能力, 這些技能對於登山者是不可或缺的課程。

  • 此課程適合沒有登山經驗對登山有興趣者。

  • 有登山經驗想自行規畫登山的山友。

  • 室內課授予基礎技巧與知識。

  • 室外課程提供實際操作。

  • 專業教練設計登山課程, 以當天的天氣狀況來安排戶外課程, 這也是必學的技能之一。

  • 此課程為私人訂製, 所以教學中只有您與您的夥伴最多6位學員, 秉持著小而美的品質, 教練能給予更仔細的照顧, 以及更豐富的內容。

  • 此課程能建立或增加您對登山的自信心。

課程價格 (一團最多6位學員)




2人450鎊 / 人

3人400鎊 / 人

4人300鎊 / 人

5人250鎊 / 人

6人200鎊 / 人




2人750鎊 / 人

3人500鎊 / 人

4人375鎊 / 人

5人320鎊 / 人

6人280鎊 / 人


報名付款後我們會郵件您更詳細的資訊以及配備清單, 包含我們將會提供的特定配備以及您需準備的配備。所有的資訊是我們經驗豐富, 有專業合格證書的教練提供。

Come join our outdoor essential skills course. Our fully qualified and experienced instructors will provide the fundamental knowledge and skills needed for hiking and mountaineering. It is an ideal opportunity to learn basic knowledge or advance your current knowledge to enjoy the beautiful outdoors.

  • This course is for beginners and intermediate hikers.

  • Our instructors will provide fundamental knowledge within a comfortable environment.

  • You will learn the skills of map reading, route choice and navigation techniques.

  • After the indoor session, you will get to practice the skills outdoors.

  • Build up your confidence in hill & mountain hiking whether you are in a group or solo. 

  • Group of up to 6 people available. It is a private lesson so only you and your group benefit from the course.

Price (up to group of 6 people)


3 Days Course Price:

1 Person: £600

2 People: £450 / person

3 People: £400 / person

4 People: £300 / person

5 People: £250 / person

6 People: £200 / person



5 Days Course Price:

1 Person: £1000

2 People: £750 / person

3 People: £500 / person

4 People: £375 / person

5 People: £320 / person

6 People: £280 / person


Price includes certain hiking equipment, we will email you with detailed information on what we will provide and what you need to provide yourself after the payment is processed.

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